Mitch McConnell Needs Six More Years In The Senate

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NHGF [Feed]

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Post by NHGF [Feed] » Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:54 pm

ImageMitch McConnell Needs Six More Years In The Senate, iStock-884184136Kentucky – -( With all the focus on the Presidential election, Second Amendment supporters should also be working to re-elect the one person who is responsible for making Donald Trump’s first term a major success in terms of protecting the Second Amendment. That person is Mitch McConnell. McConnell, the senior Senator from Kentucky, has long been a supporter of our Second Amendment rights. In addition, he led the opposition to the McCain-Feingold “campaign finance reform” bill that many anti-Second Amendment extremists hoped would make it harder for the National Rifle Association (and other pro-Second Amendment groups) to make their case to the public. Just on that basis, it is an easy call to urge Second Amendment supporters to back his latest re-election bid (McConnell has been in the Senate for six terms). But it is the other position he holds that has made him one of the most important allies we can have in defending our rights: He is the Senate Majority Leader. Over the last four years, McConnell has been confirming judges who would uphold our Second Amendment rights on a massive scale. This has been a highly visible example of backing us, but what he does as the majority leader goes beyond merely confirming judges. McConnell also decides what the agenda of the United States Senate is. It doesn’t matter if the House of Representatives passes a bunch of anti-Second Amendment legislation if McConnell refuses to take it up. In this sense, he is a firewall protecting America’s tens of millions of law-abiding gun owners from being punished for crimes and acts of madness they did not commit through infringements on their Second Amendment rights. This, of course, makes him a target for those who do seek to take away our rights. This year, the hope is that Amy McGrath can beat Mitch. On her campaign site, she has the usual denunciation of the “gun lobby” that we have come to expect from anti-Second Amendment extremists. She also calls for “common sense” measures. She only mentions background checks, but does anyone think she’ll object to other parts of the Bloomberg agenda? Then, there is also the incalculable damage that McConnell’s defeat would inflict on the ancillary issues, like judges, not to mention the fact that McGrath’s first vote for the next three Congresses would be to put Chuck Schumer in charge of the Senate. Now in 2014, McConnell won by 16 points over Allison Lundgren Grimes, but in 2008, McConnell only won by 6 points. Combined with the close gubernatorial race in 2019 that saw the defeat of a pro-Second Amendment governor, Second Amendment supporters should be wary. Second Amendment supporters should also keep in mind that McGrath ran close against Bill Barr in the 6th district during the 2018 election. Second Amendment supporters can help McConnell out by going to his campaign web site. They also should donate to the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund to help elect pro-Second Amendment candidates like McConnell to all levels of government. About Harold HutchisonImage Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.