At Home and at Work, Alone and With Friends – More Self Defense Gun Stories

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NHGF [Feed]

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Post by NHGF [Feed] » Mon May 04, 2020 3:59 pm

ImageConvenience Store Clerk Fires Shot, Intruder FleesU.S.A.– ( You didn't see this news covered by the mainstream media, but again this week, responsible gun owners defended themselves and the people they love. Self-defense instructor Ben Branam joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at four new examples. Were these gun owners lucky, or were they well trained? (24-minute audio) These victims saved lives because they had a gun and good habits. First story-  Do you have your firearm nearby late at night?  You hear a crashing sound. It is 10:45 at night when you hear gunshots in your apartment. You grab your gun and open your bedroom door. A stranger is waving a gun around and shooting. The attacker points his gun at you, and you shoot him. He drops the gun and falls to the ground. You go into the house and shout for your roommate. She is calling the police. She identifies the attacker as her ex-boyfriend. You put your gun away and make a statement to the police when they arrive. EMTs declare your attacker dead at the scene. Your attacker has outstanding warrants for domestic violence and the robbery. Second Story-  Are you armed at home? You are at home on a Wednesday night. You hear a loud bang. A few seconds later you hear it again, and then a man crashes through your front door. You have your Firearms Identification Card in your purse. You have your firearm on your hip. You shoot your intruder. Now, he hops outside. You retreat and call the police. You give your statement when the police arrive. Police take your intruder to the hospital to treat his wounded foot, and then they take him to jail. Third story- Are you armed at work? It is almost midnight when three young men run into your liquor store. One of them points a gun at you and tells you to hand over the cash in the till. You’re armed. You distract the robbers, draw your firearm, and shoot the robber who has a gun in his hand. He drops his gun and tries to run. The other two robbers run away. You stop shooting, retreat, and call 911. The police recover an imitation firearm at the scene. EMTs take your robber to the hospital with life threatening injuries. You turn over the security video to the police. Fourth story- Are you armed when you exercise in public? You’re taking an early morning walk with your girlfriend. You notice two men following you. You step aside so they can pass you. One of the strangers steps closer and grabs you by the throat. You shoot him until he lets go. He shoots you in the leg before he drops his gun and crawls away. Your other attacker runs away. Your girlfriend calls EMTs and police. Police apply a tourniquet to your leg and find your attacker’s firearm. EMTs take both of you to the hospital. Links and text of the discussion at the podcast webpage. ImageAbout Rob Morse Rob Morse writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily, and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. Rob is an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor. Contact Ben Branam at Modern Self